In New Zealand, recruiters would not expect to see more than 3 pages and as close to 2 pages is even more suitable. This is almost regardless of role type or background. NZ recruiters expect to see brief, concise factual content that is clearly up to date and relevant to the type of role being sought.
Fees will range from company to company but for most CV rewrites a fee of $89 is more than reasonable for a professional CV writer as they should be able to prepare quickly and efficiently. You should pay no more than $40 for a tailored cover letter.
Avoid adding skills that are too generic and make sure they are quite specific to the type of role sought. For example, there is no point detailing you are an experienced bus driver if you are applying for an accountant role. Show 8-10 powerful one-line statements as bullet points in your CV near the top of the document for best effect.
Google is obviously the typical guide. But, avoid just relying on the company website as they will be talking themselves up. Also, look for their written testimonials or ask the CV writing service to email you half a dozen or so recent testimonials so you can see what their customers have said. Avoid overseas business and any firm that advertises over the top fees, anything over $100 for 95% of CVs is way too much to pay.
Focus on keeping the CV brief (no more than 3 pages) and present in a modern style with the frequent use of one-line bullet points. Make sure the CV shows the skills that are relevant to the next role being applied for and, if practical, show key achievements from each role. Keep the CV modern with minimal attention of the older (say over 15 years ago) content as recruiters are most interested in more recent times.
A CV is the term for the document used to make a job application. The term is most common in New Zealand, Australia and UK whereas Resume is a more American style document that tends to be one page to meet that market expectation.
The more commonly known expression is CV (it is the same thing). A curriculum vitae (CV) is a record of your work experience, skills, achievements and qualifications. In New Zealand, in 2023, a curriculum vitae is expected to be no more than 3 pages.
Do you know exactly what recruiters expect to see in a CV in 2023? The answer is most likely no, and why should you? A professional CV writer will be fully up to date with all current CV writing guidelines and how to satisfy the recruiter. Almost certainly a professional CV writer will greatly improve the likelihood of you getting a job interview.
We charge $40 for a tailored cover letter. If we prepare subsequent letters, for similar roles, the cost is usually reduced to $25-$30 per letter. A cover letter should be included with your CV for every job application made. The cover letter and CV should be written to complement each other in order to form a strong job application.